Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Snow Mobile Rntal In Chardon Ohio

personnel director Ulrich Weber: Vengeance negotiate

Even after the ballot of the German train drivers union (GDL), the German railway is continuing to negotiate. This is more necessary than ever, after resolution after the GDL the G6 - a merger of the six largest competitors DB - now with over 25 small companies in parallel with the DB AG must negotiate. "The Gordian knot can be broken only by negotiations," said Ulrich Weber, Personnel Management Board of DB AG, in Berlin on Monday.

The GDL is the German Railways under pressure. Among them must suffer the traveler. One wonders is it even legal bestreiken to the railway company when the GDL wants to achieve something at other companies? I also do not betreike Audi if I want better wages at VW?


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