The trains for mass transit, regional and long distance transport services, on the end of the GDL strikes again However, there are still some significant obstacles. Like last Friday and today have to find the passengers during the morning rush hour, especially the weekend commuters are suffering under the strike impact.
in local and regional rail trains in most regions are expected to run again in the afternoon schedule. In long-distance traffic was about one third of the trains are on strike and have to be between 8.30 und 11.30 clock to stay. Here was the GDL deliberately accepted that late because of the effects of on-site incoming long-distance trains and the bus staff, the entire travel schedule on most days of the week comes from the cycle. Must therefore Traveling over long distances until late in the evening with some cancellations and long delays expected.
Several hundred people are also in use. Was strengthened, especially the service staff in direct contact with customers at stations and on the phone traveler information. Also in the operations centers and transportation lines, where the disposition of people and vehicles carried, additional staff are employed.
German Rail recommends travelers to be aware before the journey continues on the concrete impact of the strike. For this to remain switched on More on 08000 99 66 33 is a free service number. Overseas customers will receive information at +49 1805 334444 (according to the origin country and provider). Details are also / current or for mobile users under / ris available.
passengers that are not due to strike-related cancellations, delays or connection losses can begin their journey, the German Railways offers a gesture of goodwill the opportunity to present their tickets and reservations on the DB Travel Centre or in the DB to allow agencies to report for free. Alternatively, travelers can the next, possibly also use higher-quality train. In this case, with offers such as price savings and the specific train is repealed. For season tickets apply the agreed exchange and refund conditions. For collaborative tickets, the regulations of the respective transport networks.
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