when booking their holiday travel, the Germans put increasingly more emphasis on comprehensive care and a reliable travel procedure: 36 percent of Germans consider when planning a trip more on the aspect of security than the last holiday bookings, such as booking with a tour operator, 50 percent put out as much value as in the past. The one current representative survey of the security needs of tourists, which carried out jointly with TUI Germany TNS Emnid mid-February, 1003 respondents.
is clearly the increased need for security especially in the event of a crisis: 95 percent of Germans expect an extensive support provided by the tour operators. A year ago, this aspect was only 81 percent of Germans important, it was found TUI, a similar survey in May 2010. And nine out of ten respondents, both the quick information site and the organization of repatriation in the event of a crisis (93 percent) and the assumption of costs for the return (91 percent) are important criteria when it comes to the safe conduct of a tour operators.
Dr. Volker Böttcher, CEO of TUI Germany: "The Germans are entitled to expect all-round support at an event trip. The year 2010 shows that well-known operators like TUI customers in the event of a crisis are quickly and efficiently to the side. The benefits of a travel organizer come in natural and political crises clearly into play. "
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