Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Replacement Rubber Feet For Ironing Boards

neck pain, lots to do and actually I just want to bed ...

After last night ... I was going to bed early, I'm just tired today and in the bucket. My neck pain is, unfortunately, back and all day I miss my couch more than anything else.
Despite all it a good day. I have been working properly berissen much. With my colleagues laughed a lot and tomorrow is already hard mountain. I certainly hope that it goes uphill from there and not become paralyzed at the weekend thanks to a cold.

Actually I just want to relax on weekends. Because I've earned me. The residue on the work I've caught up, to register for the Arche Warder and the planning of the new solar sail I did last night abgekaspert with a friend in about 3 hours in the evening. Just unfortunate that we started a little late with it. I was then going to read a few pages in front of sleep (can not sleep without me) in bed around midnight. After 5 hours of rather unsettled sleep, the sleep had done it for me.

I actually like the full moon and the early-morning walk with my Dog, he has also proven to be practical, but somehow he keeps me on the right sleeping. I'm curious how it is that night ... damn now logs still cold.

I fear tomorrow I will the day have only one thought: SOFA * sigh *


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